Thursday, November 24, 2011

NanoWriMo Dropout

November is the month of turkeys, Black Friday but most importantly, Nanowrimo. The first year I signed on, back in 2008, I won. The book sucked. I can freely admit it.  The year after that I signed on but then my grandmother passed away. And my mind wasn't on writing. Since I didn't have a contract or deadline, I let my writing fall aside that month. Year after that, I had no interest.

However, this year, I decided to do it again. I wrote the first scene in a Regency. I originally planned to write a romantic suspense. The plot hadn't be ironed out and I was unsure where that story was going. I admit it I am a plotter. I know a horror to you pansters.  But I never bothered after that.  Back to the Regency, I plopped down in front of my computer to write the next scene and I couldn't get my characters to stir.
In that moment, I realized that I don't have a problem planting my behind in my chair and writing. I have too many stories running around in my head and not enough time to write each one although some don't deserve to be written.

It wasn't that.

Nano doesn't work for me. Yes, I've heard the idiom that you can't edit a blank page. But I'm not writing a story that I don't believe in or that I'm putting down words that can't wipe a bear's butt as he S**Ts in the woods. For me that's a waste of time and energy, and that in my currently state of life is valuable. 

So, I stopped and freed a Regency Novella that had a captured me but I was unsure where to head. No longer.  I plan to revise and submit. Not yet, I haven't completed it.  Me, I've chose to write stories I believe in even if I have a contract. After all, I'd have pitch the story either.

Yes, I'm a Nano Dropout but I'm at another level of writer. Upward and onward.